Monday, June 29, 2015

June's Gathering of The Flock

Sunday. June 28, 2015

Hot, humid day. Seems the weather was similar to last years when the same people hosted last year. I do not do well in heat and humidity. It drains me and gives me a headache. So that is how my day went. This locale was 10 degrees warmer than my house.  I suppose I could have stayed inside the house with the A/C running but that would have been anti-social.  But in retrospect I was "anti-social" anyway.

Today's theme was South American Wine.  7 whites and  15 reds were on the table along with a cooler of beer. I tasted 4 of the whites and 2 of the reds. That is all I could muster in the heat. So I have no idea what was good and what wasn't. There were some interesting wines listed.

When dinner was served I opted for a beer. It did taste better but I doubt if it helped me cool down.

The host had a feast board set up with Chile Rellenos, Beef Enchiladas, Chicken Enchiladas, Rice, Beans etc.,  Three great desserts rounded out the meal.

When I left to go home the temperature was 84 degrees. It dropped to 80 about 3 miles away and when I reached my house it was down to 73 degrees. Still humid by bearable.Temperature dropped to 67 degrees later that night.

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