Monday, February 3, 2020

Dinner at the Red Table

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Margie's second monthly dinner for 2020. Red Table in Huntington Beach. They have a "RED" table that comfortably seats 10. The restaurant says 12 and that is tight. We have 14 people tonight and that made a very crowded table. 14 people,  several dozen wine glasses and 16 wines .  In spite all this the service was great. Our waitress really kept things moving. 

CJ and I decided ahead of time to share appetizers instead of ordering dinner.  But unfortunately we were seated across the table from one another instead of being by a side.  So when the dishes came out we had to pass them back and forth trying to be careful and not break any glasses or knock over a bottle of wine. A big faux pas.  Also those dishes were heavy. I feel lucky we didn't have an accident.

The couple seated on the end between us offered to trade one of their seats so CJ and I could sit next to each other but by then the wines glasses were out, wine was poured and food was served.  Difficult changeover so we declined.  Wish I had asked when they first got to the table. 

Portions are very large here. Food is very good.  We ordered Roasted beets with feta and walnuts. 

Then  the quad of french fries. Red Table makes 4 different fries and have 4 sauces. Regular fries with hose made ketchup,  sweet potato fries with bacon, chive aioli, , Bollywood fries with madras curry dust  and garlic fries with blue cheese crumbles. After these dishes I was staring to expand. 

Next was crab cakes (4 oz) each and Bacon Truffle mac n' cheese with mozzarella, parmesan and prosciutto.   All were good.  But this was my swan song.  Doggie bags.

Margie made a batch of her very decadent brownies in celebration of my birthday in a few days. This was a nice surprise. 

Wines were a real mix which usually happens at these dinners. I brought a 2010 Kosta Browne, Santa Lucia Highlands, Pinot Noir. . The second best wine tonight.  The best wine was a 2009 Williams Seylem, Olivet Lane, RR, Pinot Noir. 

2014 Tobin James, Arroyo Grand Valley. Paso Robles, Pinot Noir - did not taste.

2017 Croad, Paso Robles, Viognier - did not taste

2017 Enroute, RRV, Pinot Noir - did not taste

2015 Chronic Cellars, Paso Robles, Paradise  Proprietary red - did not taste

NV Piper Heidsieck Champagne - never wrong

2016 Grgich Hills Estate, Fume Blanc - did not taste

2014, Cabernet Franc Reserve - big wine, bold flavors - I liked it

2013 Halter Ranch, Paso Robles, CDP Red blend - OK 

2017 Vina Ponte, Cabaleiros, Albarino - did not taste

2014 Lando, Sonoma, Pinot Noir - very good.

NV Kirkland, French Brute Champagne -  a bargain for the price

Sierra Foothills, Coppermine, Miners Nightcap - very sweet - needed cheese

2016 Rideau, Enchevetre, white bland - did not taste

2016 Miro, Ponzo Vineyard, Red wine reserve - did not taste

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