Wednesday, February 4, 2015

First Tuesday Wine Tasting Have Started at Michaels on Naples

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The first Tuesday wine tasting at Michaels,, . Seems some people did not get the message which made the parking a breeze. It did get busier in the later evening but I was so happy not to have to have valet parking.

A nice evening. We had a table under the rolling roof and it was quite pleasant. This is still winter so the evenings are still cool and sometimes foggy.

Tonight's wines were all from the Umbria area of Italy. Two whites and two reds. They seemed to be pouring heavy tonight. So much so I gave my companion most of my red wine. No need to over indulge.

I did go out on a limb and ordered  an appetizer. I wanted Foie Gras. Have not had any since the ban was lifted and this was my first chance to order it again. Tasted so good.  Pricey, but then Michaels is always pricey.

So off to a good start with the First Tuesday Wine Tastings at Michaels. This will go on until the holiday season.

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