Saturday, April 26, 2008

Monthy Gathering of The Winos

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Our monthly "gathering of the winos" (SAWG) came just a few days after my return from China. Fortunately I was over my mini case of food poisoning that I along with 3 others in our tour group came down with from the last dinner of the trip.

The theme for this days "gathering" was "Wines From The Cuff of Italy". (Aosta, Torino, Milano, Bolzano, Trento, Trieste and Venezia) These were all lighter style wines so there was not any big blockbusters. They were all good if you are into that style of wine. The only bad ones were 2 bottles that were corked. 23 bottles were brought along with a bottle of Chianti. It always amazes me that people cannot either read the "flyer" correctly or just don't "care" about what they bring. Everyone else seemed to be able to read and comprehend the area from which the wines were supposed to come from.

We had 2 sparklings, 4 whites and the balance was "red". You can see were our allegiance lies.

There were several people in attendance that had not been to a SAWG function in quite some time. It was nice to be able to catch up with everyone.

As usual the food was good and the wines were drank and another "Sunday" was put away.

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